We named this litter with a Christmas movie theme. This silly girl is Cindy Lou Who. She likes to eat, and she likes to move her feet while she eats. She was not in distress, she does this even when she’s on her side. She is the largest of the litter so far and the best eater. She’s going to be a spit fire, stay tuned for her progress!
Faith is one of the most talkative dogs I’ve ever known. She has found a way to communicate with us her needs over the years through various sounds and cries. It’s one of the most endearing things about her, and at times it can be annoying.
Now that her puppies are starting to move a bit more, they sometimes end up outside the nest and cry for her. Faith is overly careful with them. She could pick them up with her mouth and move them back, but she’s worried about hurting them. So instead, she cries to me from the other room to come help. If I don’t come soon enough, she runs over and nudges me and let’s me know she’s worried.
She does the same thing for Elena. She will let Elena know she needs to correct her blood sugar by talking, nudging, or grabbing her hands. If Elena doesn’t respond to her, she comes to me. Her “alerts” range from just a basic need to check to an urgent, frantic, emergency cry. I’ve learned the difference in her tone over the years.

Last night she was panicked and needed me right away. I went in to find most of the puppies sleeping soundly, but 1 was missing. He had managed to drag himself out of the nest and was about 3 feet away. He was perfectly safe and warm, but she wasn’t comfortable with him that far away. Once he was back with the others, she laid down to nurse them and fell back asleep.
Faith is an excellent service dog because of her ability to communicate with us. Golden retrievers are well suited for many types of jobs because they are so smart and in tune with their people.
These puppies are going to have fantastic potential for working homes whether it be service, therapy, competition, hunting…. or just super smart, devoted, loving family dogs.

We have a couple of spots left on our waitlist, message us for more info if you’d like to be considered for one of these little redheads!!